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Celebrating the power of cultural diversity
As Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu once articulated, our differences underscore our mutual interdependence, highlighting the profound value of cultural diversity
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan May 22 2024 Exim News

Celebrating the power of cultural diversity

The “World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development”, celebrated annually on May 21st, stands as a beacon of hope in a world often marred by conflicts stemming from cultural, religious and socio-economic differences. In such a situation of growing discord, dialogue emerges as a powerful tool for fostering understanding, cooperation and ultimately, development. Dialogue serves as the cornerstone of development in a world, characterized by its diversity. The 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner from South Africa and Theologian Desmond Tutu had eloquently Stated, “We are different so that we can know our need for one another,” thus necessitating the essence of cultural diversity - an opportunity to learn, grow and empathize with others.

UNESCO established the “World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development” in response to the 2001 terrorist attack that destroyed the Bamyan Buddha statue in Afghanistan. In December 2002, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated May 21st as this day. The 2002 Universal Declaration recognized the need to “Enhance the potential of culture as a means of achieving prosperity, sustainable development and global peaceful coexistence”.

Moreover, with 89% of all current conflicts in the world occurring in countries with low intercultural dialogue, to forge effective cooperation and sustain peace, strengthening intercultural dialogue becomes a necessity. Further, according to UNESCO data (, the cultural and creative sector is one of the most powerful engines of development worldwide. It accounts for more than 48 million jobs globally - almost half of which are held by women - representing 6.2% of all existing employment and 3.1% of global GDP. It is also the sector that employs and provides opportunities for the largest number of young people under the age of 30.

However, the cultural and creative sector still does not have the place it deserves in public policies and international cooperation. Thus, in a bid to change this, in September 2022, delegations from 150 States gathered in Mexico for MONDIACULT 2022 - the largest world conference devoted to culture (in the last 40 years) - where they unanimously adopted the historic ‘Declaration for Culture’ affirming ‘culture’ as a “global public good” and calling for it to be integrated “as a specific goal in its own right” in the Development Agenda beyond 2030.

 But what exactly are the concepts of diversity and inclusion along with culture? Diversity encompasses the intentional and inclusive gathering of individuals from various backgrounds, encompassing differences in race, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, age, educational background and this list can go on. It emphasizes the importance of bringing these diverse identities together to interact positively and contribute to a shared environment. Inclusion goes beyond merely acknowledging and respecting each person’s distinct experiences and identities. It requires fair treatment and widespread recognition. It means embracing and appreciating these differences as essential elements for the progress and well-being of all.

Thus the ‘World Cultural Diversity Day’, commemorating the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, also emphasizes four key objectives. First, it advocates for policies fostering the creation, production and dissemination of diverse cultural goods and services. Secondly, it encourages initiatives facilitating a balanced exchange of cultural products while enhancing the mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Thirdly, it promotes sustainable development policies and international aid programs that embrace cultural integration. Lastly, it underscores the importance of aligning international and national legislation with human rights and fundamental freedoms, ensuring the preservation and flourishing of cultural diversity worldwide. All this is because, ‘Cultural Diversity’, drives development, not only economically, but also personally.Throughout history, numerous instances underscore the transformative potency of dialogue in conflict resolution. One such example is the Gandhian model of ‘nonviolent communication’.

(The writer is Programme Executive, Gandhi Smriti and DarshanSamiti; views are personal)