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Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan May 29 2024 Seafarers News

NUSI APPEALS SEAFARERS TO SUBMIT "ITF Seafarers Trust Shore Leave Survey"

National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) has always raised the issue of shore leave at national and international level. Recently the Director General of Shipping has issued necessary guidelines for the issuance of the shore passes and has also highlighted the role of NUSI in this matter.

The ITF Seafarers Trust is appealing to all seafarers to fill-up the Shore Leave Survey. This will give us more details about the matter from the seafarers themselves. This will also enable the all concerned, including seafarers to continue their just demand for shore leave.

NUSI is appealng all the seafarers to go through the message from the ITF Seafarers Trust and make sure that they have  filled-up the survey. It is for the collective benefit of seafarers throughout the world.


Please click the link in the ITF Seafarers Trust message to complete the survey.


For More information about the  appeal of NUSI and Circular of Seafarers Trust  please click the news extension in which they have been attached as PDF.