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“Vadhvan Port to see first vessel berthing by Dec 2029”: JNPA chairman
JNPA chairman Unmesh Sharad Wagh also said, “Once this is completed, we don't require another port in the western side of India for the next 50 years.”
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jun 25 2024 Indian Ports News

“Vadhvan Port to see first vessel berthing by Dec 2029”: JNPA chairman

The union cabinet chaired by prime minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday (June 19, 2024) has approved setting up a major port at Vadhavan near Dahanu in Palghar District, Maharashtra.

The all-weather Greenfield deep draft major port will be constructed by the Vadhavan Port Project (VPPL), an SPV formed by Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) and Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) with a shareholding of 74 and 26 percent respectively.

 The total project cost, including the land acquisition component is ₹76,220 crore. This will include the development of core infrastructure, terminals and other commercial infrastructure in public-private partnerships (PPP) mode.

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority chairman Unmesh Sharad Wagh, in a separate press meet on Thursday (June 20, 2024) informed that the JNPA Vadhvan Port will have its first of two phases completed in 2029 and see the first vessel berthing by December 2029.

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