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India is gearing up for a major air cargo boom, says ACFI President
ACFI President Yashpal Sharma addressing the audience during the curtain raiser and press conference at New Udaan Bhavan, New Delhi.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jun 28 2024 Logistics News (Airlines & Aviation)

India is gearing up for a major air cargo boom, says ACFI President

The Air Cargo Forum India (ACFI) hosted a curtain raiser and press briefing at the New Udaan Bhavan, New Delhi, setting the stage for its Annual Conclave on July 4 2024. The event was marked by an enthusiastic turnout, underscoring the industry's anticipation for a transformative gathering.

Satish Lakkaraju, ACFI Event Management Chairman, started the briefing with an overview of the upcoming conclave's key business sessions and overall agenda. He emphasised the importance of the event in addressing the critical issues facing the air cargo industry.

"We have a power-packed schedule aimed at discussing and resolving some of the most pressing challenges in our industry," he stated. He also mentioned that Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu, Indian Minister of Civil Aviation, has promised to be present at the ACFI Conclave 2024 as the Chief Guest.

ACFI President Yashpal Sharma took the stage next, highlighting several pivotal areas poised to enhance India's air cargo sector significantly. He detailed the extensive preparations underway to position India as a central hub for global air cargo. "India is gearing up for a major air cargo boom," Sharma declared, outlining the strategic planning and measures being implemented to elevate India's standing in the global logistics landscape.

Sharma's address painted an optimistic picture of India's global air cargo market future. He highlighted the significant opportunities that the world sees in India, pointing out the country's promise for businesses and growth

 Sharma expressed confidence in the industry's ability to achieve ambitious growth targets, projecting a significant increase in air cargo volumes..He acknowledged the scepticism from some quarters but reiterated the collective confidence within ACFI.

The curtain raiser also highlighted the strong international interest in India's air cargo sector. The Annual Conclave 2024 will feature an impressive lineup of panellists, including global carriers, terminal operators, and airport representatives from the Western world. Sharma noted that their participation underscores the global community's recognition of India's potential

 The conclave will also celebrate the achievements of the past 13 years and reflect on the progress made by ACFI and the industry. Sharma acknowledged the contributions of various stakeholders, emphasising the importance of continued innovation and excellence. "The Innovation Awards are a testament to our industry's commitment to pushing boundaries and achieving excellence," he stated. As the briefing concluded, the excitement for the upcoming conclave was palpable. The ACFI Annual Conclave 2024 promises to be a landmark event, bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to chart the future of air cargo in India and beyond. With a robust agenda and a focus on transformative change, the event is set to significantly impact the global air cargo landscape.