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Exports Resume At Petrapole Land Port
About 812 goods trucks were stranded at the Indian port which are now beginning to move.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jul 27 2024 Exim & Trade News

Exports Resume At Petrapole Land Port

Cross border trade has once again started to move between India and Bangladesh following a four day unrest. The movement of goods had stopped on July 20 as the Bangladesh government had suspended internet services and imposed curfew. While Benapole land port has resumed online services but it will take a week for trade to resume complete normalcy as internet is still not fully operational in several parts of the country.

 About 812 goods trucks were stranded at the Indian port which are now beginning to move.

On a daily basis, 450 to 500 trucks cross from India to Bangladesh through this land port. About 150 to 200 trucks come to India from Bangladesh on an average every day.