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Commerce Secretary participates in the 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ meeting
Commerce Secretary Shri Sunil Barthwal attended the 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ Meeting held on 26 July 2024 under the BRICS Presidency of Russian Federation.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jul 30 2024 Exim & Trade News

Commerce Secretary participates in the 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ meeting

The theme of BRICS this year is Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development”. While congratulating the Russian Presidency for the bringing in proposal on contemporary issues, Shri Sunil Barthwal, welcomed the new members of BRICS (Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and UAE) and congratulated them on their fruitful participation in discussions, this year.

The Commerce Secretary expressed the need for strengthening multilateral trading system with WTO at its core, effective functioning of Joint Value Chains, expanding interaction among MSMEs, India’s successful story on Digitalization and e-commerce and the relevance of cooperation among Special Economic Zones.

He laid emphasis on collaboration for making access to affordable emerging technologies critical for green transition and climate resilience. On the climate related unilateral measures impacting trade, Commerce Secretary expressed concern as such measures nullify rights and obligations under specialized Multilateral Environmental Agreements and violative NDC Principles, and ignores the CBDR principles.

The Commerce Secretary also mentioned the importance on MSME related developments and their integration with the Global Value Chains… As MSME’s are an integral part of the BRICS Members, Commerce Secretary stressed on the importance of cooperation and collective efforts for outcome oriented support for MSMEs.

Commerce Secretary underscored the urgency of accelerating inclusive digital transformation…On the Russian presidency’s initiative on cooperation in Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Commerce Secretary acknowledged the transformative impact of SEZs in providing employment, state of art technologies, boosting exports. He underscored the importance of exchanging information and best practices regarding the same.

In conclusion, Commerce Secretary laid stress upon the importance of collaborative efforts and commitment along with resilience, unity and transparency to face challenges under the principles of compassion, empathy and understanding, for a common brighter future of BRICS countries.

The Trade Minister’s meeting endorsed the Joint Communique and 6 outcome documents pertaining to various issues mentioned earlier.

Further on the sidelines of BRICS TMM, Commerce secretary had bilateral meetings with the Minister for Economic development Maxim Reshetnikov, Member of the Board (Minister) of Trade, Eurasian Economic Commission Andrey Slepnev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Alexey Gruzdev, and Head of FSVPS, Sergei Dankvert of the Russian Federation as well as with the Deputy Minister for the Department of Trade, Industry & Competition, South Africa, Zuko Godlimpi and the Minister of State for foreign Trade, UAE, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, wherein bilateral trade issues were discussed in brief for their early resolution.