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Potato shortage in Odisha leads to price surge & customers’ frustration
In Odisha, a pronounced shortage of potatoes has persisted for four weeks, driving prices to Rs 55-60/kg.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Aug 13 2024 Exim & Trade News

Potato shortage in Odisha leads to price surge & customers’ frustration

The deficit has sparked frustration among consumers, particularly directed towards West Bengal, the state's main potato supplier. Protests emerged in Cuttack, where social organizations blockaded vehicles carrying essentials to West Bengal.

The scarcity stems from West Bengal's decision to halt potato exports to stabilize its market prices, following a 20% production drop due to unseasonal rain. West Bengal, a key potato producer, contributes 23.51% to India's output. Conversely, Odisha, where the potato is a dietary staple, produces merely 300,000 metric tons against a demand of over 1,3mln metric tons, relying on imports for 90% of its needs.

Odisha's efforts to become self-sufficient in potato production through a mission launched in April 2015, which aimed at boosting output and improving storage and distribution, have yet to mitigate the current supply challenges.