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Gujarat High Court permits MV SW South Wind I to sail after being stranded for almost three months
MV SW South Wind I (IMO 9478626), embroiled in a legal mess for nearly three months, has been permitted to sail by the Gujarat High Court.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Oct 28 2024 Shipping News

Gujarat High Court permits MV SW South Wind I to sail after being stranded for almost three months

The difficulties for MV SW South Wind I (IMO 9478626) started when the Customs department withheld the vessel due to misdeclaration of cargo onboarded. The cargo consisted of various consignments of rice, including rice that was declared ‘organic rice’. After loading, the Customs department sought reexamination of the ‘organic’ rice consignments as it was believed that such consignments were, in fact, ‘non-organic’.

While the Customs examination was ongoing, the Gujarat High Court arrested the vessel on the claims of various shippers who had to suffer due to the vessel’s inability to sail. Subsequently, after the restrictions on the export of non-organic rice were lifted, the Customs issues resolved themselves. However, the vessel continued to be under arrest for the shippers’ claims.

Finally, a settlement was reached between the shippers and the vessel’s sub-charterer, OK International, regarding the shippers’ claims. Following this settlement, the Gujarat High Court vacated the vessel’s arrest.

Advocate Manav Mehta represented the shippers/plaintiffs in all suits, and Advocate Sukumar Mahesh Tirthani represented the charterers, OK International.