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24X7 customs clearance facility available in 20 Sea Ports
Mr.G.Chandrasekar Dec 30 2023 Exim & Trade News

24X7 customs clearance facility available in 20 Sea Ports

Round the clock Customs clearance facility has been established in as many as 20 Sea Ports and 17 Airports in the country according to the year ender of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) and Customs of the Finance Ministry released on December 28th

The Customs is committed to ensure service delivery to the cross-border trading community round the clock. In this endeavor, the CBIC has enabled the facility of 24x7 Customs clearance across numerous seaports and air cargo complexes across the country.

Presently, this facility is available at 20 seaports and 17 airports. Further, no Merchant Over Time (MOT) charges are required to be collected in respect of the services provided by the Customs officers at 24 X 7 Customs Ports and Airports. Now the round the clock clearance facility has also been extended to the Inland Container Depots as well.

In its endeavor to ensure uniformity in Customs processes across the ports, CBIC has decided to introduce Risk based uniform examination orders at all Customs stations across the country. CBIC has implemented system-generated centralized examination orders in a phased manner, in cases where the cargo is selected for examination by the Risk Management System (RMS).

The functionality of Standard Examination Order is expected to enhance the uniformity in examination, and lower the time taken in the process as well as reduce associated costs.

Implementation of a simplified regulatory framework to facilitate Export of Jewellery through e-Commerce was announced in the Budget for the year 2022. Accordingly, CBIC has laid down a simplified regulatory framework for e-Commerce exports of Jewellery via International Courier Terminals (1CTS).

To accommodate the e-commerce business need, it incorporates a re-import process for returns of Jewellery. The procedural and legislative changes introduced for facilitating e-Commerce exports of Jewellery through Courier Terminals are aimed at supporting the Make in India brand in the international markets and enhancing the competitiveness of Indian Jewellery exports leveraging the rapidly evolving global e-Market space.