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USCG moves ahead on plans for Atlantic Coast shipping fairways
The U.S. Coast Guard has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing a system of shipping safety fairways along the U.S. Atlantic Coast.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jan 20 2024 Shipping News

USCG moves ahead on plans for Atlantic Coast shipping fairways

The NPRM comes as plans for Atlantic Coast offshore wind farms become increasingly ambitious — and as more large Post-Panamax ships call U.S. East Coast ports.

The proposed fairways were identified in a now-completed Atlantic Coast Port Access Route Study.

“Fairways would preserve the safe and reliable transit of vessels along well-established traffic patterns and routes,” notes the Coast Guard. “The proposed fairways would help ensure that offshore developments remain viable by allowing developers to construct and maintain installations without risk of impeding vessel traffic. The Coast Guard is also proposing to establish traffic separation schemes and precautionary areas along the Atlantic coast to further improve navigation safety.”

On June 19, 2020, the Coast Guard published an ANPRM (Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making) announcing the possible establishment of the Atlantic Coast fairways and the NPRM addresses comments received in response, which included questions asking about the width of proposed fairways, buffer zones around proposed fairways, and whether the width of proposed fairways will include these buffer zones.

Other comments addressed in the NPRM include those asking about the effect of the proposed fairways on marine mammals, particularly North Atlantic right whales, and about access by Post-Panamax ships. On this last one, the NPRM says “Post-Panamax vessels have been considered and will be able to use the fairways in the same way as any other ship.”