In his
address, Shri Venkataramani spoke about how the
need for regulation of competition has travelled domains of prevention of unfairness
in competition, to price determination and consumer welfare, and entering the
age of common good as the determining factor.
to the quote of Paul Samuelson that the markets can work but only with
government created guardrails, Shri Venkataramani said such guardrails include competition regulation. The need is for
coining new ideas of coexistence between the engine of free market and the
umbrella of social benefit, Shri Venkataramani highlighted. The task of
navigation between incentives and free riding of market ideas, will be a
distinct legal innovation, distinct from other regulatory thoughts, he added.
Venkataramani touched upon a few broad aspects such as the international
convergence of competition laws and the take offs there from; the challenges to
regulatory laws in general; the task of redistribution of economic power
between consumers and suppliers and suppliers interse; the
newly-emerging sustainability considerations and competition policy, as the
business of sustainability will govern the sustainability of business, and new
challenges in the light of digitalisation.
reference to digital markets, Shri Venkataramani said that the ongoing debate is
one of ex-post action (investigation and sanctions) and the possibility of
false negatives on the one hand versus an ex-ante action (bans and prohibitive
rules) and the possibility of false positives on the other. The debate is also of casting a wide regulatory net, agnostic of the
activity involved versus having more market specific regulations. To aid
this, tools such as behavioural economics, that provide insight into human
preferences, are useful, Shri Venkataramani added.
Venkataramani further
mentioned that given the existing framework of our competition law and the
lessons learnt and to be learnt will need placing our debates a little beyond
our domestic frontiers and at the same time to pursue our specific national
matrices. Just as human innovations are
dynamic so also market manoeuvres, the challenge is to have a basket of
relevant empowering and synthesising principles.
to the growing importance of privacy and data in the competition
discourse, Shri
Venkataramani said
that establishing the contours of privacy from a competition perspective is
important and suggested that it is imperative that a regulator always be
keeping up with the times. Shri Venkataramani added that having detailed
guidelines based on studies of the Indian market, will give the market players
useful signposts as to the likely proscribed conduct. This would foster greater
certainty, would empower smaller players, and caution larger ones on practices
which are harmful to competition, he said.
event was attended by a large number of dignitaries from the government,
regulatory bodies, PSUs, industry, academia, chambers of commerce, and the
legal fraternity.