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Unions Seek Immediate Action to Protect Seafarers ‘the backbone of the global supply chain (ITF) in the Red Sea
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and seafarers’ unions around the world are demanding immediate action to ensure the safety of seafarers in the Red Sea due to rising ship attacks.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jun 27 2024 Seafarers News

Unions Seek Immediate Action to Protect Seafarers ‘the backbone of the global supply chain (ITF) in the Red Sea

”We demand immediate action to ensure the safety of seafarers in the Red Sea, action which, to date, has been lacking and which could have prevented the unnecessary deaths of seafarers,” the ITF said in a statement marking the IMO’s Day of the Seafarer.

The ITF calls for governments, shipping companies, and flag states to coordinate efforts to protect seafarers, and not to rely solely on certain navies for protection. It’s also urging ships be diverted to keep seafarers out of harms way.

“Governments must step up and coordinate their efforts to protect seafarers sailing in or through the area. Shipping companies must demonstrate their commitment to their seafarers by diverting their ships. Flag states, which are responsible for assuring a safe working environment for seafarers on their vessels, must instruct companies to divert their ships. Flag of Convenience states must not rely solely on United States, United Kingdom, or European navies for protection,” it said.

Since November, the Iranian backed Houthis have launched numerous drone and missile attacks against merchant ships in the Red Sea, Bab-el-Mandeb, and Gulf of Aden, sinking two and killing four seafarers. One such attack on June 12 targeted the MV Tutor, a Liberia-flagged bulk carrier, resulted in the death of a crew member and the eventual sinking of the ship. Earlier in March, the MV True Confidence was also attacked, resulting in three seafarer deaths.

The ITF continues to campaign for the safe return of crew members from the Galaxy Leader, seized by the Houthis in November 2023, as well as the MSC Aries, seized by Iran in April 2024. They also condemn recent attacks on the cargo ship Verbena and the Transworld Navigator, which resulted in severe injuries.

“Seafarers are not commodities but the backbone of the global supply chain,” the ITF said. “Their lives should not be risked for profit, nor should they have to perform their duties under the constant threat of violence or harm.

“We urge the international community to reflect on the invaluable contributions of seafarers to the global economy and to take action now to ensure justice, safety and security for those risking their lives at sea.”