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Port of Oakland reaches pre-pandemic container volumes
The Port of Oakland June full container volume continues to rise, indicating a return to pre-pandemic levels.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jul 23 2024 International Ports News

Port of Oakland reaches pre-pandemic container volumes

According to the port, full imports increased by 26.8 per cent, with port operators handling 84,040 TEU in June 2024, up from 66,295 TEU in June 2023, the biggest monthly total since August 2022. Port of Oakland Maritime Director, Bryan Brandes, said: “We are seeing promising signs from ocean carriers and importers, who are beginning to increase their inventories in preparation to meet holiday and year-end shopping demand.

“The peak season usually begins in late summer to early fall, but this year it appears to be early. July is forecasted to ease a bit with the rest of the year continuing with strong volumes.” Full exports increased by 22.9 per cent, with 66,540 TEU transiting in June 2024, compared to 54,138 TEU in June 2023. Full export quantities are gradually recovering from the low levels recorded during the epidemic, with monthly averages of 65,000 to 70,000 TEU. Oakland remains a major port for agricultural and recyclable materials exports.

Empty imports fell 11.1 per cent, with 10,237 TEU flowing through port facilities in June 2024, compared to 11,516 TEU in June 2023. Empty exports increased by 35 per cent, with 32,244 TEU passing port facilities in June 2024, up from 23,879 TEU in June 2023.

The Port of Oakland’s container volume increased by 5.3 per cent in May 2024 compared to the same period last year with 188,040 TEU.