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Chittagong Port Back into Action after 5 Days
Chittagong Port Authority spokesperson Omar Faruk said from Tuesday 23 July night to Wednesday morning they could deliver some 2,500 TEUs from the port yard as customs assessment had begun following restoration of internet connection.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jul 27 2024 International Ports News

Chittagong Port Back into Action after 5 Days

The disconnection of internet and imposition of curfew by the Bangladesh government for controlling the student protest had halted movement of cargo at Bangladesh port for five days, beginning last Friday. Highways were blocked restricting movement of cargo trucks to and from the port, while factories were forced to shut operations, as part of the safety measures enforced by the government.

Shipment of outbound containers and delivery of boxes from the port began on Tuesday (23 July) night after the government restored internet connection on a limited scale only at offices, ports, and emergency services. Curfew has also been lifted on Wednesday for five hours a day that helped to open private and public offices and factories.

Chittagong Port Authority spokesperson Omar Faruk said from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning they could deliver some 2,500 TEUs from the port yard as customs assessment begun following restoration of internet connection. He noted that 41,459 TEUs of containers were lying at the port yard on Wednesday morning.