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AMTOI ESG Council Takes Pledge to Go Sustainable
All the AMTOI members took a pledge to lead a sustainable and responsible lifestyle cautiously and significantly reducing their carbon footprint.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Jul 27 2024 Exim & Trade News

AMTOI ESG Council Takes Pledge to Go Sustainable

The ESG Council at AMTOI organised “i Pledge,” showcasing the multimodal transport association’s unstinted support and advocacy for Environmental, Social and Governance rules. All the members took a pledge to lead a sustainable and responsible lifestyle cautiously and significantly reducing their carbon footprint. Further they stepped forward to spread the awareness and inspire their teams to adopt green measures at business and reduce GHG emissions. AMTOI members will make every effort to ensure our planet remains habitable for our generations to come.

Actions for environmental protection include use of renewable fuels, decreasing GHG emissions, increasing energy efficiency, controlling climate risks, water management and recycling.

Social causes include health and safety, better working conditions for employees, diversity and inclusion, human rights and impact on local communities.

Rules for Governance: Ensuring ethical standards, Board diversity and governance, stakeholder engagement, shareholder rights and pay for performance