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Orange and sweet lime export concerns in Maharashtra
Amid the turmoil in Bangladesh, Anil Deshmukh, a senior NCP (SP) leader, has called on both the Central and Maharashtra governments to address export policies for these fruits.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Aug 13 2024 Exim & Trade News

Orange and sweet lime export concerns in Maharashtra

Deshmukh, the NCP Leader,  highlighted concerns among growers about potential low prices for their produce due to the current situation. He emphasized the need for policy adjustments to facilitate exports not only to Bangladesh but also to other countries including Kuwait, Oman, America, China, Hong Kong, and Australia.

The legislator pointed out that over the past four seasons, the import price set by Bangladesh for oranges and lemons increased from Rs 88 to Rs 101, leading to a significant drop in exports and falling prices, affecting the livelihoods of local farmers.Deshmukh urged the governments to explore alternative markets to mitigate potential losses during the upcoming harvest season in November, emphasizing the importance of governmental intervention to support the agricultural sector.

[ Rs 100 = €1.10 ]