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Tanker Crew Stabbed Repeatedly, Another Tied Up During Violent Piracy Attack In Singapore Strait
Image for representation purposes only A crew member was stabbed during a violent piracy attack in the Singapore Strait on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Dec 14 2024 Marine News

Tanker Crew Stabbed Repeatedly, Another Tied Up During Violent Piracy Attack In Singapore Strait

According to Ambrey, a maritime security firm, two pirates boarded a tanker sailing eastbound through the Phillip Channel.

Armed with knives, the attackers repeatedly stabbed one of the crew members before fleeing. The critically injured crew member was taken ashore and hospitalised. Authorities have not yet confirmed the incident

While most piracy attacks in the Singapore Strait are focused on stealing spare parts or equipment from vessels, this case involved violence against the crew.Usually, pirates are armed with knives and leave quickly when confronted. However, the rising violence in the region is becoming a concern.

ReCAAP, an organisation focused on combating piracy in Asia, has reported a growing number of attacks in 2024. As of now, there have been 86 incidents and 10 attempted robberies, compared to 100 incidents in all of 2023.