Wednesday 03 07 2024 11:05:02 AM

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Next principle is the Unity of Command, a vital principle for efficient administration of any institution.  It means there must be only one master, one most superior official who gives commands and from whom all employees receive commands.

 This principle touches upon a very essential fact in any administration. When it is said that there must be the unity of command in an organization, it makes many things, that too very crucial things, very clear beyond any slightest doubt.  The man who gives commands enjoys full authority and therefore is burdened with sole responsibility for his commands. A command is a decision that has to be obeyed and carried out by the employees.

 From the point of view of the employee, the unity of command gives him direction to work.  He simply obeys the superior. Psychologically, it is very significant because it frees him of any conflict as to the rightness or wrongness of the command.  An employee, like a soldier, knows only one commander whom he has to follow implicitly. This conflict-free atmosphere, externally in the organization and internally in the mind of the employee, promotes efficiency and therefore productivity ultimately.

 Collectively, the unity of command strengthens the relationship between the employer and the employee on the one hand and, on the other hand, it proves helpful in building relationship between the employee and his colleagues.  After all, a workplace is literally a second home for an employee where he spends most of his energy and time with the fellow-workers. In all senses, the workplace becomes the extended family for the employee.  Clarity of perception as to what he should do and what he should not do, an experience of harmony and friendliness in the work place, and ample recognition for the work done and a good understanding that binds one with all the rest, from the employer down to the last grade employee--- these features go a long way to make an employee happy both in the workplace and in homes. A happy employee is not only productive in his work but a good head of the family.  So, it can be seen now the importance of the principle, the Unity of Command.

 A point must be made clear here.  Whether at a workplace or at his residence,  what matters is an employee�s personality, his attitude to life and living .  If a person is accustomed to unhappiness by always seeing the negatives of any situation, he will not enjoy the benefits of any good principle of living, be it in an institution or in his family. It is a different fact altogether and there is a huge pile of materials available with regard to such details which are generally discussed in the subject called Organizational Behaviour.

 We will see some more points in connection with the Unity of Command.