Tuesday 28 01 2025 07:25:28 AM

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We were discussing Sales Promotion in our last session and we touched upon Advertisement as a tool for sales promotion.  In fact there are many proven ways to promote your product. Let us see some of them; after all, if you go deep into the ways of promotion of the sales, we find they are the timely result of innovative approach to the issue of sales promotion. Innovation is the result of ceaseless alertness to the marketing dynamics, to the social environment and to the national and international efforts gone into the promotion of sales.

Marketing experts discuss sales promotion under three kinds of promotion; the final objective of all these types of promotion is to make your customer or a new entrant to buy your products faster that is more and more. The more you sell, the more revenue is generated; the more revenue is generated, the greater confidence in your business; the greater the confidence, the greater is your market share; the greater the market share, the firmer is your brand established; the firmer your brand is established, the more products are sold. Ultimately sales promotion promotes your financial strength which is a very essential ingredient in business sustainability.

Sales promotion can be studied in three ways; they are consumer promotion, trade promotion and salesforce promotion. Each kind of promotion has many ways and we will at least see in just two or three sentences each way under each type of promotion. Nothing is insignificant in business promotion; the more information you have, the greater is the possibility you may land on the proper choice of the approach for your company as it stands now.

The choice of the approach is called in business parlance ‘tool’ for promotion and every tool is linked to a specific objective because specific objective has all the attention that will attract a customer, old and new. Attention is forceful pull towards an object or idea with its own irresistibility. In political election domain, you see each political organization coming out with promises which are very specific in nature; for instance, a party might declare that if it comes to power, it will make first 100 units of electricity free for every user.  This promise is so specific that once you hear or read it, it keeps coming to your mind. It has its own definite benefits for you. This is what is said that the objectives must be specific. Non-specific promise like we will do many good things to people if in power does not bite your mind; it does not ring any bell. So this promise is not specific and therefore makes no impact on you. So, your business promotion tool must have specific objective.

We will see some more of such tools with specific objectives in our next.