Tuesday 28 01 2025 08:21:47 AM

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To continue with what we were discussing last session, namely, steps the Management can take to keep the workforce engaged, we will go to the next step.

The Management must make it a cardinal point that the employees feel that their contribution to the company is very much valued and meaningful. To achieve this end, first of all, the Management must explain their vision to the employees in such a way that they understand the significance of the vision which must have in itself a broader base than just the company.  It implies that the Management impresses upon the employees that the Employer has a keen sense of social responsibility and he attempts to fulfill it by giving back to society something in earnest. This aspect of the vision appeals to the employees and engages them in their work.

To make the employee feel this attribute of the Management, what is essential is communication.  The Management creates and exploits opportunities to take their vision to every one of the employees. There are instances where the employees were not aware of the Vision and the Mission of the company they work for.  This isolation from the employer’s vision of the employee will not help engage the employee who does not know the real value of his work except perhaps the pay it brings him and as always employees feel the profit it fetches to the employer.  This workplace scenario does not augur well for the company which will soon find itself losing meritorious employees. Therefore, constant communication from the top down the line helps bind the relationship between them on a solid soil.

A periodic interactive communication with the employees will show the management how the employees feel about their work. If the employees are allowed freely to speak out their thoughts and feelings, this itself will lessen the distance between the employer and the employee. On growing confidence in transparent discussion, the employees will also take courage to point out what they consider unnecessary rules and regulations that actually lead to delay in execution, in red tapism. The open management will see their point of view and if it feels that the workforce has not properly understood some implications of the rules and regulations, they take time and explain them to the employee. This very good initiative will inspire more confidence in the Management’s fairness. This in turn persuades the employee not to leave the organization at the earliest opportunity.

Another most significant factor in establishing good relationship between the employer and the employee so that he does not tend to leave the organization is constant transparent feedback to the employee on his performance. Work by its very nature turns out mechanical and repetitive. The employee gradually becomes rather insensitive, not indifferent, to the demands of the work.  With the result, he does not have the tendency, the idea of improving his skill in the work. Honest feedback removes this on-going dullness in the work. Feedback at all the levels of workforce ultimately grooms every employee at which level he happens to be into a better worker.  This growth of the employee actually leads to the growth of the organization.

This up skilling the employees is a massive subject dealt with in detail in Humana Resource Management. But, for our purpose, this much is adequate to relate it to the development of the GDP. To recall, higher GDP reflects improving economy of the nation. And to achieve higher GDP, ultimately the workforce must have necessary expertise to provide best standard services and products.

